It's 10pm and my battery is almost low. Still, i will perserve in telling you what i did today (though i know you're really not interested at all).
Luck for me the phy remedial ended early. Got enough time to meet J. :D hehehe
We, with J. and WT, went to National Library Building at 100 Victoria Street aka The Plaze aka Central Library because of the event hosted by the library.
If you didn't notice this
on any of the newspaper, then i must say you're out of luck.
Anyway, the event was a success, based on the people who were there.
And since i dropped off 7 books for this event, i got 7 coupons, meaning i could get 7 books from this event (i.e. used books)
These are 2 of the 7 that i got:
"The Holocast" is interesting. Those who study the chapter on Nazi Germany has to read this. You'll sure to be able to understand this (at least for the first few chapters) since there's reference to the Nazi's SA, SS, Hitler's hatred of Jews, his published book
Mein Kampf, etc.
J. was able to get 2 coupons, therefore, being able to get 2 books ^^
And there was those who had exchanged many books.

Look at the stacks of books!!! I'm envious.
We were there. These are our evidence of our participation.
Then we walked around Bugis Village. It was actually the first time that i had
really walked through it. Usually i just pass through the main street. I didn't even know that there was a second storey! (shows how informative i am...)
Then i bought a short shorts for myself. A Short Shorts!
A SHORT SHORTS!!!!! It's the first one i ever had. Kinda glad i have it but..... i don't think it's worth the price i bought for it... (And yet i did... *sigh* )
But i did enjoyed the "bargining battle" we had against the
auntie beautiful lady. :D From $25 to $22. Not a large difference but i'm proud of myself, since it was the first time i did that :}
Here's the photo of the shorts that i bought:
After that we entered Dragon Street.
For people looking for a part time job, there are plenty there, at Bugis Village.
And we ended our trip at Bugis.
^^ I enjoyed myself. It was an "enlightening" experience. :)
How did your Sat go?